
I've been thinking about writing a book for a couple years, I'm writing and writing and writing all those online articles, and at some point I'd like to change and switch to another bracket. I think my Transpyrénéa race report clearly shows the problem. Split into 4 parts, the limits of the web media are, I think, sort of reached, and my guess is that RAAM's race report is going to be even more complex.

Why is that? Because I'm not going solo, but with a team, so the experience is to be even richer. Oh well, yes, I'm registered in the solo category, but a complete crew is following me. Also because, despite I cherish and respect the Transpyénéa, the RAAM is harder, period. And finally because it's a good opportunity to step back, and try and explain how, at some point, one ends up being doing such a crazy journey.

So what will the book be about? Cycling, running, RAAM, and other things. I wish to share my contagious passion. And if I can transmit a bit of this energy powering me, and convince you that you might tempt it yourself, for real, then I won. The most beautiful victories I have are not the rare occasions where I ended up in the upper field in confidential races, rather all those friends and people I helped getting started, and run, an bike.

So if you appreciate mon blog you'd probably enjoy the book.

One caveat, if you're not a French reader, is that... the book is very likely to be in French. (Si vous êtes français cliquez ici vous lisez la mauvaise version) It's possible to buy it in advance to help me crowd-fund my race but again, if you can't read it, I think it's sort of pointless.

Anyway, if it ever gets any success, I could technically be interested in translating it. While I would not do this myself (any native English speaker could tell I'm not skilled enough to do that) I'd gladly appreciate any help on that side.

Should be out end of 2018.

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Updated on Mon Oct 02 2017.