Year 2004

GRR 2004
In the volcano zone at the 2004 GRR. So far so good, this is only the beginning.

In 2004 I discovered the French magaxine UltraFondus which is about ultra-running (trail, road, whatever, as long as it's beyond the marathon). I had already done long distance triathlons years before, but then, it really started over again in 2004 as I got ready for the Grand Raid de la RĂ©union, which, at the time, was about 90 miles long, for 25 000 feet elevation. I had to dig on the Internet to find out clues on how to finish the race, and stumbled on that magazine, and the community it was dragging along the road.

2004 training log
My 2004 training log. All distances using the metric system, of course.

So this was a really busy year as far as long distance running is concerned. The main race was indeed the GRR trail itself, but the Embrun Triathlon was also a nice one. Sadly most of the content for this year is in French , I'm sorry in advance for the frustration lying there for you English readers.

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Updated on Sun Oct 01 2017.