Christian Mauduit - ultrarunner

The general subject of this blog is running. Long distance running. I'm interested by anything longer than a marathon. To start with, you could maybe read this race report of a long distance triathlon . This is not running, it is triathlon, but for me it is pretty much the same, it is a long distance event, period. If reading is not your thing, this video about the backyard ultra is a good introduction too (but in French).

Christian Mauduit, France
With my spouse Valérie. We've been together for about 20 years now. This is about long distance too.

If you like numbers, check my best times or what I've done so far but I warn you, my main motivation to train and race is pleasure, rather than absolute performance. So that blog is here to share my experience with others, I even have a page with pieces of advice to run longer and faster.

I'm age 48 as I'm writing those lines, I'm the happy father of 3 wonderful daughters and I live with my spouse Valerie. I also play some music, I'm a passionnate coder, and more recently I started to help people, in my area.

The great question one can ask oneself when seeing somebody running 100 miles, or more, is "why?". That question fires back: "why not?". Why would we need to stop at 26 miles when we can go further?

I wish you an enjoyable read.


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Updated on Sun Feb 25 2024.