Year 2013

For 2013, I planned 2 major races :

  • May 2013, French Ultra Festival 6-days in Le Luc, France: the rules are simple, run/walk as many laps/miles as possible within 6 days (144 hours)
  • September 2013, Race Around Ireland : as you can guess from the name, this is a race around Ireland. The difference with the Tour de France is that first this is a race *around* Ireland and not some random path making funny shapes in the middle of the country, then there's no such thing as a good night in a hôtel with gourmet meals, massage and modern comfort 16 hours per day. This is a non-stop race, clock never stops, looks like this is over 1400 miles, about 24 000 meters elevation, for a time limit of 132 hours.

And of course, other side-events as well to keep busy and training, for instance I'll be at London-Edinburgh-London which is a bike event similar to Paris-Brest-Paris. It happens only every 4 years, and I could reasonnably not miss that.

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Updated on Tue Aug 13 2013.