Spartathlon race report

September 26th & 27th 2008

You can take a look at the video, which stands as my race report for this event. The comments are in French but the images themselves are sort of naturally internationalized ;) It's also available as an OGG Vorbis file (100 Mb) and as an MPEG file (321 Mb).

My race number
The first picture of the video. Download it! I mean, the video, not the picture ;)

In short, everything went fine. I crossed the finish line after 30h41'51" of almost continuous running. I'm 22nd out of 300 starters. Probably one of the most remarquable races I've been given the occasion to participate in.

Just FYI, below is the global training volume I followed to between January and September 2008, and which allowed me to finish the race:

  • running : 2600km
  • bike : 3000km
  • swim : 50km
  • roller-skate : 400km
  • weight training : 50 workouts (about 1 hour each)

The whole thing represents about 500 hours of training, that is an average of 2 hours per day.

The race was really wonderfull.


PS: To read the OGG Vorbis/Theora format, try VLC.

PPS: about the music of the video -> the first one is an old MOD file called aryx.s3m on which I stumbled on while playing EITtris. It was composed by Karsten Koch. The second is Al Capone, played by the Kosmonot, which is a French brass band I appreciate. I also do play this kind of music ;)

PPPS: the movie has been entirely build with Free Software, including Kino and Audacity.

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Updated on Wed Feb 02 2011.