Year 2017

Now this is official news, in November 2016, my running mileage is going to amount to... 0. Zero. ZE-RO. Plain rest ;) I do this from time to time, let's say every 18 months or so, a big cutdown into training, with almost nothing, yeah I still bike to work (at a slow commuting pace) and that's it. And no, I'm not longing for a run like a die-hard running junky, I feel great, thanks. Running might be addictive, but it's a sane addiction, that keeps you fit and makes you happy. So hell, you fellow junkies, I'm back to the running world in December, see you soon.

6 jours de France 2017
Running at the 6 jours de France 2017 (6 days on a loop in Privas, France)

This being said, 2017 is coming soon. So here's my plan:

  • 2017 March 5th: Paris half marathon, 13 miles, nothing special
  • 2017 April 9th: Paris Marathon, 26 miles, try and do a sub 3 hours, which I failed to achieve in 2015 and 2016 ;
  • 2017 May 1st: Sénart Marathon, just, to stay alive;
  • 2017 May 26th and 27: Ultrathlétic Ardèche 129 miles, a hilly road race with great landscapes, the race recognition was great, the real, actual race should be fun too;
  • 2017 July 9th: Cléder 100k, 63 miles, no easy shortcut, this should be French Championship, so the very best Frenchies will be there, I have no chance to perform well on the scoreboard, but this is gonna be a lot of fun anyway;
  • 2017 July 28th to 30th : Lensahn Triple Ironman, 7 miles swim, 335 miles on a bike, 78 miles on foot, a quite classic formula (complicated to register, but I'm trying to make it);
  • 2017 August 20th to 26th : 6 jours de France in Privas, because this is so good! I will try and pile up as many miles as possible like this year and push it even further if possible;
  • 2017 September 16th and 16th: Revolve 24h, 24h in England, need 400 miles, no less;
  • 2017 October 6th to 8th : 48h in Royan, because this too, is so good! Same as for the 6 days, full speed ahead .

So nothing totally new, only things I've more or less done before, but I have other priorities for 2017. Running is only the most important thing, among secondary things.

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Updated on Sat Sep 09 2017.