Mailing lists



This list is for general discussions about Liquid War. Here you can make suggestions, submit bug reports, ask for help, find players, etc... Basically, any question or remark which concerns the game is welcomed on this list.

Practical informations

You can't send messages to the list without subscribing. The only reason for this is that it's one of the only way to block spam efficiently. I first thought it could be OK to allow anyone to post, but liquidwar-user seems to have be harvested by robots, so now I need to restrict posters. However, I insist on the fact that anyone can subscribe, and the subscription to the list is not moderated. So if you are a human being and not a stupid spam robot, you're welcome on the list 8-)

Here's a list of usefull URLs:

Chat and IRC

Web-based chat-box

I have have set up a web-based chat-box which is accessible here:

It's not as good as a good old IRC channel but not everybody can use IRC (because of firewalls and the likes), and I like the idea that people can chat and have the list of available servers in one single web page.

IRC channels

I personnally spend some time on so you might use it to find other players - though I'm not really an IRC addict... ...not yet at least!

Here are the channels I recommend:

  • #liquidwar : Liquid War dedicated channel, to find players and chat while playing.
  • #netgame_players : general channel for players who want to play Internet games - Free Software and/or Open Source games of course, we're on 8-)
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Copyright © 2005 Christian Mauduit. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts.
Updated on Sat May 07 2005.